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coffee 相关话题


An Arabica coffee farmer picks ripe red coffee cherries from his farm in Wanale sub county, Mbale district, eastern Uganda. (Xinhua/Daniel Edyegu) Uganda's coffee export earnings in July rose by 25.85 percent compared to the same month last year, Ug
McDonald's coffee service in the Chinese mainland will remain unchanged as McCafé is on the right track for further expansion.APP开发公司 It is separate from a rebranding initiative in the Hong Kong region where McDonald's coffee "retiring" and "bidding
An Arabica coffee farmer picks ripe red coffee cherries from his farm in Wanale sub county, Mbale district, eastern Uganda. (Xinhua/Daniel Edyegu) Uganda's coffee export earnings in July rose by 25.85 percent compared to the same month last year, Ug
McDonald's coffee service in the Chinese mainland will remain unchanged as McCafé is on the right track for further expansion. It is separate from a rebranding initiative in the Hong Kong region where McDonald's coffee "retiring" and "bidding farewe
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