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专业app开发要多少钱 二元合金快速凝固中枝晶助长和各向异脾气子玻尔兹曼相场模子

发布日期:2024-07-19 11:00    点击次数:75

枝晶助长多半存在于当然界和工业界,触及到一系列多圭臬的热力学经过和能源学经过的耦合,举例传热传质、熔体流动、液相凝固和固相重熔。在合金凝固经过中,由落空、成核和外部杂质产生的游离固体碎屑不错助长、重熔和移动,在微不雅组织演化中推崇着至关伏击的作用。连年来,增材制造等先进制造手艺的兴起激发了征询快速凝固限度的高潮。在快速凝固经过中,均衡及近均衡凝固模子不再适用。因此,揭示快速凝固经过中的非均衡与强非均衡效应已成为深远发展凝固表面并将其推向工程独揽的枢纽处所。然则,现实不雅察连续只可从成果中反向揣测凝固经过专业app开发要多少钱,,难以进一步揭示微不雅组织演变的潜在机制。连年来,源于动表面(Kinetic Theory)的格子玻尔兹曼措施(Lattice Boltzmann Method)在机械能源、材料能源、生物医学等工程与科学限度飞速发展,已成为跨宏不雅、介不雅、微不雅圭臬复杂系统建模和模拟的伏击技能。其明晰的物理布景与普适的算法特色为揭示快速凝固机制提供了新想路。


该文近期发表于npjComputational Materials10:63(2024),英文标题与摘抄如下,点击https://www.nature.com/articles/s41524-024-01245-2不错解放获取论文PDF。

图1 凝固经过中多物理场演化与枝晶四肢暗示图

图2 不同凝固要求下固定枝晶和游离枝晶样子和溶质离别:NTND,均衡凝固(不沟通溶质截流和溶质拖曳);WTND,非均衡凝固(沟通溶质截流不沟通溶质拖曳);WTWD,非均衡凝固(沟通溶质截流和溶质拖曳)

图3 不同凝固要求下微不雅组织演化及溶质偏析:a 组织样子及溶质离别云图;b 区域内固相分数与溶质偏析速率随时候变化

An anisotropic lattice Boltzmann - phase field model for dendrite growth and movement in rapid solidification of binary alloys

Shilin Mao, Yuting Cao, Wei Chen &Dongke Sun

A model coupling the lattice Boltzmann and the phase field methods with anisotropic effects is proposed, which is used to numerically describe the growth and movement of dendrites in rapid solidification of alloys. The model is quantitatively validated by the simulation of the continuous growth and the drafting-kissing-tumbling phenomenon of two falling particles, and then applied to investigate the effects of dendrite movement and interfacial non-equilibrium on evolution of dendritic patterns for Si-9.0at%As and the CET for Al-3.0wt%Cu alloys. Both the growth and remelt processes of isolated dendrites are studied, and the result reveals the remelting influences on dendrite growth and solute micro-segregation in the condition of directional solidification. This work demonstrates that the proposed model has a wide range of applicability and great potential to simulate the microstructure evolution with various solidification conditions.



1. 堪萨斯城竞技成立于1995年专业app开发要多少钱,球队获得过2次美职联冠军,4次美公开赛冠军。